
Grabbing the Attention of a Demographic Stretched Thin

Digital BizCom



Outdoor Lighting Perspectives is a leader in the luxury outdoor lighting category, having completed over 150,000 light installations since 1995. Their target market is primarily financially comfortable women aged 35-60. This is a demographic that is typically stretched for time. In order to reach new customers in this busy demographic the brand needed to give them a good reason to look their way.



Research indicated that 86% of millennial women and 76% of Gen X women are active daily on social media. Thus, Thunderly determined that using influencers from the top five growing luxury home goods markets in the US would be a great way to showcase the work of Outdoor Lighting Perspectives in its best light.



Thunderly launched its “Light Up the Night” influencer campaign in May, as a celebration of Home Improvement Month. Influencers were provided with design consultation, products and installation at no cost. Each influencer then created five posts throughout the month, including trackable links to measure lead generation.



The goal of the “Light Up the Night” was to generate at least 50 social posts and 50 trackable clicks per market resulting in a minimum of 300,000 impressions. The campaign easily blew past that goal, delivering the following results: